Welcome to my blog!

Swedish girl brought up on the country side. Now living in Linköping, 5th biggest town in Sweden. Been studying photography fall 2010 and enjoyed it much. Living at the moment with 9 other young people at the boarding school. Used to be active in politics some years back, but today not at all.

Spare time is often filled with painting, photographing, music and TV shows. Got a half Siamese cat named Bitchen. Favorite holiday is Christmas. Three women who are inspirational: Beyonce, Isabella Löwengrip and Mom.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lite mer på svenska


Sveriges Radio Gävleborg
skrev kort om bedrägeriet här, och Mias kommentar kan höras där med.

Expressen var lite långsammare men det kom upp på fösta sidan och här är artikeln.

Gävledala skriver om det här

TT hade nappat och det såg ut så här.

Gefle Dagblad skrev och finns att läsa här.

Svenska Dagbladet skrev detta.

Aktuellt tog upp ämnet 17 min 20 sek in i sändingen.

Hälsinge Kuriren och Hudiksvalls Tidning skrev det här.


Arbetarbladet hade nyheten på första sidan under torsdagen och här är artikeln.

Hälsinge Kuriren och Hudiksvalls Tidning skrev detta. (Tror man måste vara prenumenant för att se)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The year was 2002, and the CUF circle of Gävle had their annual meeting and chosed a guy, who we can call "Bosse", for treasurer. Bosse was an interesting guy and he was really sure about that only he should be the only one authorized to sign for the firm when it came to economical matters and such.
The same was going on until the year 2004.

In June 2006, Henrik and Martin were the chosen treasurer and president. That month they noticed that the bank account for the department in Gävle was running out of money. It was OK, because the really important thing was the bank account for the whole circle of Gävle. That account should be filled with a lot of money that had been pumping in every quarter of the year. The total sum would be about $34 220. Henrik and Martin had changed the papers so they were the ones who could sign for the firm. Some week later they finally could check the account. It was empty. Bosse, the previous treasurer, was also gone. He was now living in Philippines. We were now getting REALLY suspicious.

Henrik talked to the former president who had been in the same committee as Bosse. She said she thought Bosse might had placed them in some funds. Henrik and Martin checked this, but they didn't find anything. Around the same time, he got to know that the government subsidies that got into the account every quarter instantly got transferred to another account. Henrik now made sure he could get access to all transfers online, to see where all the money went after they landed in the original account.

First time something suspicious had happend was in 2003 when $7 900 had been moved. At the same time the adress had been changed from the office CUF had to Bosse's private adress. Now we knew this Bosse had started doing some strange things.

We decided, of course, to go to the police, and so we did today. We also mailed out to media to call for a press conference. Maria and Henrik and Martin will be there to take care of things.
Bosse has done some really serious offences, and will go to jail for this if they find him and he is proven guilty.


Jag är extremt förbannad och less och besviken på människor idag. Nu vill jag inte vara med i livets spel längre, för folk verkar ha tappat både etik och moral och heder. Det går inte att lita på många nu för tiden. Jag blir extremt less.
Det är dags att plocka fram kastknivarna ur bakfickan.

Tur att det finns en bunt hederliga människor jag kan umgås med fortfarande. Annars hade det inte funnits mycket att göra.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Mia har gjort en suveränt bra video från Gävleborg och valrörelsen. Synd att kvalitén inte är toppen-bra :(

Och här har vi då lite bilder ifrån valrörelsen. Henrik har tagit de flesta av dem.

Här har vi lite bilder ifrån valrörelsen. Henrik har tagit de flesta.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Yesterday I went by bus to Maria Leander, our president in Co. Gävleborg.
The whole committee of Gävleborg first had a meeting for a few hours, then our fellow party members Sofie, Emma, Jonas J and Jonas R S came to BBQ and to get drunk with us.

It was an awesome day and night, with a lot of games, christmas and schlager songs and fun talk.
Also a lot of serious talk about the future for CUF Gävleborg. We also watched a fun video Mia had made for us with pictures from the summer and our campaigning.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Most of the people I know have heard the amazingly funny story about the 40 French scouts who went to the farm i worked on in Ireland last summer.
What has happend now, surprisingly, is that I just became a scout leader!
The children will be 10-11 years old and I don't... really know what to say about this.
No comment!

But it will probably be fun. I will go on a introduction course next weekend, and that means I will miss the "Post Election Conference" I wanted to go on.
Instead I will try make sure I am one of the lucky 17 who will participate on the World Course in november. This time's theme will be Central Asia and North Africa.

I also went gymming today and I will do the same tomorrow after school. Was pretty fun and i will try keep the speed up. My mother and my aunt will go as well, so we will push each other.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Youth council and news papers

Today at our meeting with the board of the youth council, we got the papers over.
I just went to read the article which they published online before it will come tomorrow in the actual news paper.
I found a lot of things spelled wrong, and the names and the roles in the committee was all mixed up. For example it said that I was the secretary, which I am not, and the vice president was said to be the treasurer. I left a comment on the article to correct them.
Also, some of the story was wrong, but i guess that aint as important. Like.. when we started the council, etc.

We are planning to have a big meeting in October for all interested teens and we will meet the other people who has been involved so far to discuss how to do this meeting. The meeting with the 22 people who has been active so far will be on tuesday.

Monday, September 18, 2006


The alliance for Sweden won yesterday and I am bloody happy. New prime minister, new government and yeah! A new start for old socialist Sweden!

And my loved party became the 3rd biggest party in Sweden! We climbed up one place and I feel damn good! This was our goal and we reached it!

The Centre party also made a big success in Stockholm and got two seats in the parliament. One of these two seats will probably go to Fredrick Federley. Big congrats to our beloved president!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Vem är jag mest lik?

Har vart inne på SVT och Spinn och knockat Lars Ohly i huvudet med en morot. Spela lite själv här.
Sedan gjorde jag testet om vilket parti jag är mest lik. Testet gällde intressen och utgick också från sådana frågor.

Det visade sig att jag är mest lik Milla Miljöpartist!

"Av de totalt 22 frågorna valde du 11 stycken som resulterade i att du delar Milla Miljöpartists intressen till 50%"

Resten av resultatet lyder:
Mårten Moderat, 36%
Florian Folkpartist, 32%
Cecilia Centerpartist, 27% [halvironiskt att jag inte blev Cecilia Centerpartist :( ]
Vendela Vänsterpartist, 27%
Kristel Kristdemokrat, 23%
Sune Socialdemokrat, 23%

Beskrivningarna av hur miljöpartister och centerpartister är är följande:

Miljöpartiet verkar ha mycket mera intressen än vad centerpartister har om man ser på det där. Om du undrar hur testet gjordes kan du läsa om det här.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Speech for pupils in grade 5 and 6

Today Emma and I went to Vågbroskolan to talk to 4 classes about our party and our politics. It was rather interesting actually, since it was our first time to do this kind of thing.

We biked there and when the pupils entered the assembly hall, and we stood there, it all went very good. They had lots of questions and it was hard to keep on the right track sometimes, but still - it was good and they were interested!
The moderate youth had been there before us to talk, and we know the girl Anna, who's the president in Söderhamn, quite well, so we could tell them about things we agreed on and so on.
A lot of the pupils didn't know about the alliance for Sweden we have either, so yeah. I suppose we could have talked for atleast 2 hours with each class, but we only got 1 hour/class.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Youth Council

Today we had our 3rd meeting for the youth council.
Two very important things got decided this evening.

First, we all agreed over our constitution. It really took its time to get through all, but it was needed and we all felt really good when it was over.

Second we had to decide who got to be on the board. Some of us did not want to vote and choose it on this meeting, but the majority wanted it to be so, and so we did.
Here's all positions:

President: Marwa El-Mahamadi
Vice President: Erik Sköld
Treasurer: Evelina Fredin
Secretary: Linus Ohlson
Member of the board: Sergio Manzanares
Member of the board: Magnus Carlsson
Member of the board: Cecilia Hansson

And yes. I was one of the people who got voted in to the committee. Quite cool in a way.
It will be stressful but very interesting.

Next meeting will be for the committee only and it will be held on wednesday 20/9, next week.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Latest test results

So, some people in One Liner took the test at DN to see in wht party they scored highest.
I followed their example and I was not that very surprised over the result:

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I går och idag har CUF Gävleborg infunnit sig i Hudiksvall på den traditionsenliga marknaden.
Tillsammans med Hudiksvalls krets har vi delat ut valmeteriel både för CUF:s och Centerpartiets fördel. Vi höll till vid en husbil med vår logga på och hade bord och stereo med musik och så vidare framför.
Henrik hade varit vaken hela natten till fredagen på grund av maratondebatten på SR Gävleborg. När han slutligen somnade in på fredag natt i husbilen tillsammans med Emma och Maria, så hade han varit vaken i 47 timmar! Stackars Henrik fick i vilket fall en god natts sömn innan alla skulle upp igen och jobba med att prata politik och dela ut materiel. Jonas Jonsson kom med första tåget och senare även Britta, som åkt hem för att sova under natten. Själv sov jag hos min mormor och morvar och åt kålsoppa som hör till på marknaden.
I Hudik är alla glada och trevliga. Riktigt roligt var det, även fast vi alla börjar bli lite slitna nu.
På måndag skall jag till Vasaskolan i Gävle och ha bokbord för att hjälpa Magnus Andersson och Martin Karlsson

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Youth Council of Söderhamn

Today we had another meeting. Not as many people on this meeting, since a lot of the ones who were on the last one was sick, and some of them are in France for another 2 weeks.

Today we talked about what the board of the council should do and not do. We were all agreeing on most of the things we said so we moved fast over to §2, which was about the membership fee, and we had different thoughts about how much members should have to pay to enter the association.
Some wanted it to be 20 SEK, others 30 SEK and one wanted it to be 50 SEK. In the end we agreed to take 30 SEK, and I was one of the ones who voted for that from the beginning.

§3 was about the financial questions, and we talked a bit about how to gain more money to the association and so on. We also decided to ask Linus to look up different local and national places in which we can search for more money.

§4 was about how often we should meet, and decided that all members in the association should meet once every month. The small project groups we will have meet whenever they feel teh urge to and then report to the board who then have a meeting (about once every week) to look up things and such.

§5 was about our future policy, and since that will be hard to decide over, we asked Sergio and Marwa to scetch on two induvidual policies so we could compare, add and mix however we'd like to on the next meeting.

§6 was about how to make the people get informed about meetings and so on fast enough.
We all agreed to have our own webside and that we'd go home and think about what that one could look like. Also a working forum on that site would be good and that we had a working network with the student councils at all schools.

On the next meeting, next monday, we agreed to invite all presidents for the student councils and make them inform all classes that they are welcome to discuss this Youth Council.
Everyone who was at today's meeting is supposed to bring atleast one person who hasn't been on the previous two meetings we've had.

Now I'm tired.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Rain, Wind and Jan Johansen

Jonas and Emma, both trying to breathe with all the package around them
Yesterday I, Emma, Henrik and Jonas went to Stocka in the municipality of Nordanstig to promote ourselves and our party. Except for a little rain it was OK. We handed out a bunch of plasters and C-vitamines and it was all good. After 16.00 we took our little tent and went to Strömsbruk to buy a bit of food. A classical dinner for us is tacos, and so we ate that this time as well. Except for the lack of minced meat. We had to take chicken fillets instead, but it was just as delicious.

Jonas, Henrik, Emma

Emma is handing out material to people passing by our tent

Jonas is our #1 clown. Look how nicely he poses on these two pictures

We slept in an apartment we hired over the night, and the beds were SO nice and cosy. Jonas and Henrik had some problems though. They both dreamt a lot, and Emma had to move from the bed to the sofa because Jonas who were sleeping on the bed over hers was turning around in his sleep. Both Jonas and Henrik were talking in their sleep.

We got up around 8.30 and ate a bit of breakfast before cleaning up, and then we went to the trade fair place to get the tent and all material on its right place again.
We put the tent up and got a table to put our material on. We did not put the walls of teh tent up today, cos it was blowing more than yesterday. In the end we tied the tent to Henrik's car because we were so afraid it would blow away...

Henrik's car and the string we tied to it

A little bit later we went to eat something and while we were sitting there, a swedish star called Jan Johanssen walked torwards us and asked me if I had any cough drops.
I did not even recognize him, even if I knew Jan was supposed to perform a little bit later. I told him I had no drops. Only plasters and painkillers, and then he went away to have some coffee.

It was raining all the time. And it wouldn't stop. And before we knew, it was pouring down liters and liters of rain and it was blowing and blowing and our tent and all material were on their way to blow away and the rain went through the tent and down on us and we were wet all over.
We hurried to pack the things back again and pushed them into the car and then we spent the rest of the day inside in the big ass tents with loads of people in.

Emma, Henrik and Jonas - all holding hard onto teh tent so it won't blow away

Jonas and Emma

Jonas again

This is were our tent was supposed to stand. Water all over!

On the afternoon, Jonas Rask, Helena and Arvid came for a little visit. We were stillw et and we were all very tired. We had a cup of coffie with them and then we decided to go home. There was no point in staying any longer anyway.

Henrik, Jonas and Helena

Emma is enjoying a fanta

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Trade Fair

Today i will go to Nordanstigsmässan in Stocka. With me I will have Henrik Björkman, Emma Jonsson and Britta Olsson. Maybe Magnus, Mia and Jonas will join up as well, but right now i don't know. This will be an interesting weekend and we will probably get a lot of work to do. We are still running the "Sweden is sick" campaign, so we will have our doctor robes, stethoscopes, C-vitamines and plasters. We will also be running the campaign for Magnus Andersson, and wear his white piké shirts.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Youth Council

Last week i got an invitation from Magnus Svensson, to join up at a meeting at the city hall about starting a youth council. This meeting was held yesterday and it took three hours for us 10 teenagers to talk about what a youth coucil should do, how to organize us and what ages we want to reach.
It was a really interesting meeting actually, and everyone said exactly what they thought and a decision was made to start an association.
Next meeting for more talk about how to organize etc and how to reach the masses will be held on monday.

The City Hall - back and front.