Thursday, September 21, 2006


Most of the people I know have heard the amazingly funny story about the 40 French scouts who went to the farm i worked on in Ireland last summer.
What has happend now, surprisingly, is that I just became a scout leader!
The children will be 10-11 years old and I don't... really know what to say about this.
No comment!

But it will probably be fun. I will go on a introduction course next weekend, and that means I will miss the "Post Election Conference" I wanted to go on.
Instead I will try make sure I am one of the lucky 17 who will participate on the World Course in november. This time's theme will be Central Asia and North Africa.

I also went gymming today and I will do the same tomorrow after school. Was pretty fun and i will try keep the speed up. My mother and my aunt will go as well, so we will push each other.


evelinfre said...

"dialogen" hade vi i fredas. Det fungerar inte bra att vi är där eftersom i deras avtal med kommunen ingår att ingen form av alkohol får förekomma i lokalerna och hela festen blir bojkottad om vi har blåskoll.
Ett dilemma

Vi ska protokolla ordentligt
"Alltid redo"