Jonas and Emma, both trying to breathe with all the package around them
Yesterday I, Emma, Henrik and Jonas went to Stocka in the municipality of Nordanstig to promote ourselves and our party. Except for a little rain it was OK. We handed out a bunch of plasters and C-vitamines and it was all good. After 16.00 we took our little tent and went to Strömsbruk to buy a bit of food. A classical dinner for us is tacos, and so we ate that this time as well. Except for the lack of minced meat. We had to take chicken fillets instead, but it was just as delicious.
Jonas, Henrik, Emma

Emma is handing out material to people passing by our tent

Jonas is our #1 clown. Look how nicely he poses on these two pictures
We slept in an apartment we hired over the night, and the beds were SO nice and cosy. Jonas and Henrik had some problems though. They both dreamt a lot, and Emma had to move from the bed to the sofa because Jonas who were sleeping on the bed over hers was turning around in his sleep. Both Jonas and Henrik were talking in their sleep.
We got up around 8.30 and ate a bit of breakfast before cleaning up, and then we went to the trade fair place to get the tent and all material on its right place again.
We put the tent up and got a table to put our material on. We did not put the walls of teh tent up today, cos it was blowing more than yesterday. In the end we tied the tent to Henrik's car because we were so afraid it would blow away...
Henrik's car and the string we tied to it
A little bit later we went to eat something and while we were sitting there, a swedish star called Jan Johanssen walked torwards us and asked me if I had any cough drops.
I did not even recognize him, even if I knew Jan was supposed to perform a little bit later. I told him I had no drops. Only plasters and painkillers, and then he went away to have some coffee.
It was raining all the time. And it wouldn't stop. And before we knew, it was pouring down liters and liters of rain and it was blowing and blowing and our tent and all material were on their way to blow away and the rain went through the tent and down on us and we were wet all over.
We hurried to pack the things back again and pushed them into the car and then we spent the rest of the day inside in the big ass tents with loads of people in.

Emma, Henrik and Jonas - all holding hard onto teh tent so it won't blow away

Jonas and Emma

Jonas again

This is were our tent was supposed to stand. Water all over!
On the afternoon, Jonas Rask, Helena and Arvid came for a little visit. We were stillw et and we were all very tired. We had a cup of coffie with them and then we decided to go home. There was no point in staying any longer anyway.

Henrik, Jonas and Helena

Emma is enjoying a fanta
Ah! Jag ORKAR inte läsa på engelska!´!!
Läs min eller Emmas... Ett tips. Men cc har fler bilder...
Visst ser jag jätteglad ut på bilden?
Henrik: nej. du ser ut som.. en död... fisk? Näe jag vet inte. Ta den andra då som jag tog? 4010 tror jag nummret var. Då ser du lite muntrare ut. lol
Britta, det är ju LÄTT engelska! O_O klart du orkar :P
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