Today i drove the sofa+armchairs and some mattresses to the recycling area. My apartment feels atleast three times bigegr with all this furniture gone. I used to use an armchair when sitting at my comptuer and since it is gone now, i use the sofa table to sit on. Yeah, very unconfortable. :(
Took a trip to Trönö yesterday and went thru some more stuff that was mine. Threw away a whole lot of crap, but saved some toys in a big box that i will give away to the asylum seeking kids living on my yard. Got a couple of dolls, games, puzzles, books, etc. My dad gave me 10k SEK, so i will try get a trip down to Valbo in some day, and buy shoes and other things i can find useful.
This evening the dog i have been lookign after for a week has been picked up. As a thank you i got Beyoncés perfume Heat. I think i have been waiting for it to come to sweden since may :P Awesome.

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