Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yes, I've gotten very very homesick by now.
I mean.. Things would have been OK if i hade any money to move around with, but no. Things have been shit, (even literally, don't ask) and I now have a check I cannot cash. To get a scottish bank account, i will fill in a paper and send it in to the bank. then wait for 2-3 weeks, and hopefully I will be accepted and get an account.

I haven't gotten payed for 8 weeks now, and i have been stuck at this darn castle for weeks.

Still going to the pub 2 or 3 times a weeks tho. We get free drinks from... erm.. friends and.. other guys. lol. We love fridays the most. Then they have t his live band playing and Emma and I are in the band as well nowadays. :D Always gives us the microphones and we'll have to sing with em. Fun fun. Last friday we got home at 3.30 in the morning. The pub is supposed to close at 12.30 or thereabouts but we had stayed longer with the owner and a few other guys. Emma and I was, as usual, the last girls to leave the pub and this time also the last ones to go back to the castle. The band was bigger than evar and i think 11 ppl were playing on their instruments and people started to shake their asses to the music! It was awesome!
The swedish volunteers from Sweden we have here banged and decided not to go with us tho. Too bad for them, cos it really kicked ass.


Maria Leander said...

CC koooom heeeeeem!