So... It's thursday and I am a bit hangover. I spent yesterday at Haldis place, together with her friends David, Daniel, Magnus and Hani.
Haldis, drinking sum before we left for Bockarna
We started drinking around 17.00 and gods' dawn we got really wasted, I can tell. Even passed around a spliff before we went downtown to
tre bockar, which is a club in Hudik. We arrived around midnight, and had to wait for 20 minutes or so before we could enter - it was bitchfull of ppl out that night, since every beer cost 25 SEK.
Haldis at bockarna, with my VISA card - time for more beer!We drank more beer and danced before we decided to go home to eat tacopie, toasts and salad.
Oh boy it was a fun night out.
(And yes, this is the "nice" version of the story;P )
PS. Too bad you couldn't come, Jonas :P